
Latest Edu-speak…

A Lack of Control Over our Own Lives

Jitarth Jandeja:  “Anderson, I thought you did that. And I would like to apologize for that right now. So I apologize for thinking you ate babies.” Anderson Cooper: I’ve tried to engage sometimes with some of them who contact me, and there’s no rational way to prove you haven’t committed a crime. Jandeja: There’s nothing you can…

Black Lives Matter @ School

This first week of February marks Black Lives Matter at School, a national week of action dedicated to organizing for racial justice in education.  In this pandemic year, COVID has highlighted and exacerbated existing inequities, negatively impacting the mental and physical health, economic well-being, and access to education of Black, Indigenous, and people of color…

Disembodied & Alone

Reflections upon reading Achille Mbembe’s Necropolitics, during a week of necropolitical actions. When I created my blog, naming it EduSpeak was a commitment to myself to continue to process various readings through the lens of education.  Enter(Mgembe’s Necropolitics), start(writer’s block). Hopefully at some point, I’ll connect the dots enough to revisit this piece and make…


“Focus not on what is or what was, but what can become of it.”

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